Wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support using a given AsyncAuthenticator[T]
This variant of the authenticateBasic directive returns a Future[Option[T]]
which allows freeing up the routing
layer of Akka HTTP, freeing it for other requests. It should be used whenever an authentication is expected to take
a longer amount of time (e.g. looking up the user in a database).
In case the returned option is None
the request is rejected with a AuthenticationFailedRejection
which by default is mapped to an 401 Unauthorized
Standard HTTP-based authentication which uses the WWW-Authenticate
header containing challenge data and
header for receiving credentials is implemented in subclasses of HttpAuthenticator
See Credentials and password timing attacks for details about verifying the secret.
Make sure to use basic authentication only over SSL/TLS because credentials are transferred in plaintext.
def myUserPassAuthenticator(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[String]] =
credentials match {
case p @ Credentials.Provided(id) =>
Future {
// potentially
if (p.verify("p4ssw0rd")) Some(id)
else None
case _ => Future.successful(None)
val route =
Route.seal {
path("secured") {
authenticateBasicAsync(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator) { userName =>
complete(s"The user is '$userName'")
// tests:
Get("/secured") ~> route ~> check {
status shouldEqual StatusCodes.Unauthorized
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The resource requires authentication, which was not supplied with the request"
header[`WWW-Authenticate`].get.challenges.head shouldEqual HttpChallenge("Basic", Some("secure site"))
val validCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials("John", "p4ssw0rd")
Get("/secured") ~> addCredentials(validCredentials) ~> // adds Authorization header
route ~> check {
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The user is 'John'"
val invalidCredentials = BasicHttpCredentials("Peter", "pan")
Get("/secured") ~>
addCredentials(invalidCredentials) ~> // adds Authorization header
route ~> check {
status shouldEqual StatusCodes.Unauthorized
responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The supplied authentication is invalid"
header[`WWW-Authenticate`].get.challenges.head shouldEqual HttpChallenge("Basic", Some("secure site"))