



Extracts the HttpMethod from the request context and provides it for use for other directives explicitly.


In the below example our route first matches all GET requests, and if an incoming request wasn't a GET, the matching continues and the extractMethod route will be applied which we can use to programatically print what type of request it was - independent of what actual HttpMethod it was:

val route =
  get {
    complete("This is a GET request.")
  } ~
    extractMethod { method =>
      complete(s"This ${method.name} request, clearly is not a GET!")

// tests:
Get("/") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual "This is a GET request."

Put("/") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual "This PUT request, clearly is not a GET!"
Head("/") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual "This HEAD request, clearly is not a GET!"

Custom Http Method

When you define a custom HttpMethod, you can define a route using extractMethod.

import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.{ ParserSettings, ServerSettings }

// define custom media type:
val BOLT = HttpMethod.custom("BOLT", safe = false,
  idempotent = true, requestEntityAcceptance = Expected)

// add custom method to parser settings:
val parserSettings = ParserSettings(system).withCustomMethods(BOLT)
val serverSettings = ServerSettings(system).withParserSettings(parserSettings)

val routes = extractMethod { method 
  complete(s"This is a ${method.name} method request.")
val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, host, port, settings = serverSettings)
