


Unmarshalls the request entity to the given type and passes it to its inner Route. An unmarshaller returns an Either with Right(value) if successful or Left(exception) for a failure. The entity method will either pass the value to the inner route or map the exception to a :class:akka.http.javadsl.server.Rejection.

The entity directive works in conjuction with as and akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling to convert some serialized "wire format" value into a higher-level object structure. The unmarshalling documentation explains this process in detail. This directive simplifies extraction and error handling to the specified type from the request.

An unmarshaller will return a Left(exception) in the case of an error. This is converted to a akka.http.scaladsl.server.Rejection within the entity directive. The following table lists how exceptions are mapped to rejections:

Left(exception) Rejection
ContentExpected RequestEntityExpectedRejection
UnsupportedContentType UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection, which lists the supported types
MaformedContent MalformedRequestContentRejection, with an error message and cause


The following example uses spray-json to unmarshall a json request into a simple Person class. It utilizes SprayJsonSupport via the PersonJsonSupport object as the in-scope unmarshaller.

TODO: Add example snippets.

It is also possible to use the entity directive to obtain raw JsValue ( spray-json ) objects, by simply using as[JsValue], or any other JSON type for which you have marshallers in-scope.

TODO: Example snippets for JavaDSL are subject to community contributions! Help us complete the docs, read more about it here: write example snippets for Akka HTTP Java DSL #20466.
